London Labour Regional Executive Committee Report - August 2019


This was initially circulated by PDF to CLP secretaries in Division 3.

Dear members, 

We are now 6 months into our time on the London REC (previously Regional Board) and we are beginning to build some momentum.


Putting motions into motion

We were elected on a pledge of ensuring that motions get actioned. During our first REC meeting, we established working groups to lead on Regional Conference motions. At our most recent meeting, in July, we were able to report on our activities within these working groups, as follows:

  • Grenfell Tower Atrocity (passed by: Bermondsey and Old Southwark)

    Both Section 3 CLP reps (Sam & James) met as part of the working group and have drafted letters to send to the London Mayor and London Labour Councils. We have also agreed to coordinate a roundtable meeting to discuss putting pressure on the Government to launch a full inquiry.

  • Knife Crime (passed by: Camberwell and Peckham)

    Both Section 3 CLP reps (Sam & James) met as part of the working group, which has agreed to write to the London Mayor to call for an increase in funding for the British Transport Police. We have also agreed to coordinate a roundtable meeting with a view to discussing what can be done in schools and youth services to prevent knife crime.

  • Embedded Immigration Officers in local authorities

    James met with the working group, which has agreed to write to London Labour Groups to raise the content of the motion.

  • Racism and the Far Right

    Sam met with the working group and agreed to write to the London Mayor to advocate for the reinstatement of the Rise Against Racism festival.

  • Advocating Transparency of the BAME Pay Gap (passed by: Croydon North and South)

    Sam has made contact with the working group and they intend to meet in the coming weeks.

We will fight to make sure that the decisions of conference are fully implemented.

The motions are available here.


Parliamentary trigger ballots

The parliamentary trigger ballot process has begun. CLPs have been organised into rounds, with the first and second rounds having now started. We are hoping to have these meetings coordinated asap, in light of a potential election in the autumn.


London Mayoral manifesto consultation

We are available to assist CLPs with coordinating manifesto meetings in order to participate in developing a mayoral manifesto for the many. Please get in touch with us if you would like us to visit your CLP.

Other issues

In addition to the above, we have also contributed to a collective report on everything that happened in the second meeting. Please read the collective report here.


In solidarity,

Sam Green and James McAsh

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